Sunday, August 29, 2010

ramadhan and syawal is good combination

Hari Raya Puasa is a very important occasion that is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It is also known as the festival that marks the end of one month of fasting. The words ‘Hari Raya’ mean 'day of celebration.' Many mistake Hari Raya Puasa for the Muslim New Year but it is not. 
So, before we proceed to the hari raya celebration let's us ponder a moment about ramadhan known as fasting month for the muslim.
What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the name of the one-month fasting period when Muslims fast for a period of almost 12 hours. They fast from dawn till sunset. It is a known fact that during the period of fasting, apart from eating and drinking Muslims are also forbidden from smoking and having sexual relations. Only the sick are excused from fasting during this month. Muslims are expected to avoid lying, breaking promise or cheating during the month of Ramadan. The primary purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to remind all Muslims of self-control and submitting to Allah, the holy one. Even young kids are taught to fast when they are young. 

what are the preparation to undergo ramadhan?

 When we know we are to attend a wedding, we begin to plan and prepare from days and even weeks in advance. We pay much attention to detail so that we arrive to the function on time, are dressed up smartly with clean/ new shoes, have organised a place to stay, eat carefully so as not to ruin our clothing and so on. In a similar way we prepare and plan for other important events, functions, interviews etc.
However, when it comes to approaching our Islamic duties/ obligations we do so little in advance, especially for ramadhan. For some reason we feel we can flick a switch and become great pious personalities overnight. In fact, while this may work short term, in the long term you will more likely ‘burn out’ and return to your former self or in a worse condition. Is it not true afterall that in the middle of the month Ramadan the Masjid halls during taraweeh are at half capacity to what they were in the first few days?? Therefore it is much better we prepare and plan for our deeni activity, much like we do for the dunya ones and inshallah in this manner we can make the most of the blessed month of Ramadan and remain consistent upon the a’maal we adopt. Here, I've attached several activity that we can do during ramadhan or in fasting month.

-increase the recitation of quran. If possible, complete a minimum of 1 part to daily so as to make 1 whole complete recital of the Holy Quran during Ramadan.  
-try to perform 4 rakaah of tahajjud before partaking the subuh.  
-learn a,or many prophetic of duas in arabic  
-As much as one can keep Allah in your heart by doing Dhikr(zikir) for example: La ilaaha illallah, Allahu-akbar, Subhan-Allah, Alhumdulillah etc.  
-Devoting more sincerity and concentration into our existing daily prayers.  
-Try and utilise the month to give up smoking.  
-For the more foul mouthed amongst us, try to refrain from swearing the whole month. Friends can help here by lightly hitting or gently reminding his/ her friend each time they swear that they shouldn’t do it.
 As we'll know that to accomplish our fasting not just only do the barakah activities that i've listed out above, but all musim should take the pre-dawn meal which is we call it sahur.It is recommended for Muslims to eat a pre-dawn meal each day before the fast begins because the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) to have said:- "Eat a pre-dawn meal for there are blessings in it." (Bukhari and Muslim;
 "The pre-dawn meal is blessed so do not neglect it even if you only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and His angels pray for those who have pre-dawn meals." (Ahmad).

The pre-dawn meal provides energy and other benefits to the fasting Muslim during the day so it makes good sense to plan on getting up early to have sahur. Of course this is better accomplished if you also sleep early so try to think about how you will arrange your schedule once Ramadan begins. If you typically have trouble waking up for the fajr (dawn) prayer, a new schedule in Ramadan may be the motivation you need to change your habits for the better even after Ramadan has ended. Ramadan is a great opportunity that comes once a year to renew your relationship and commitment to Allah.

So, in general we already know that there is no devil or in related with them who can disturb us from doing the right things in fasting month,definitely we feel easy to obey ALLAH rule which is not to do any wrong things. well, when there is no devil hiding in our self, the possibility of making a huge sin is actually decreased perhaps there is no sin making by us. In the mean time, we actually can relate why ramadhan and syawal is actually a good combination of month.

Before i'm putting off my pen, again i would like highlight regarding fasting month which is we as a muslim should improvise our aamal toward our almighty so that we together can score the barakah from HIM.

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